How to ace productivity during work from home (WFH)?

Oct 27, 2020

Work from home is a completely new experience for everyone around the world. In the COVID times, all it matters is the safety of people but work and time don’t stop for anyone. From mid-March 2020, we are helping to keep ourselves and the society safe being at home. With safety, it is also giving us a great opportunity to experience remote-life.

Don't you feel that it is the best way to inculcate a habit of coordinating with people in remote places and learn the practice of self-motivation? Yes, it is. We are learning different things working from home.

During the various stages of lockdown in India, we are staying efficient and keeping the level of positivity high. So, what is the mantra?

Below the blog, we have mentioned some of the pointers that we follow to be efficient and jaunty at Fibonalabs.

  1. Create a routine
  2. Define a workspace
  3. Maintain your work routine
  4. Secure a good connection and the right access
  1. Maintain work-life balance

Create a routine:

Now we don't have to wake up and rush to reach the office hearing the traffic noises. Taking advantage of the situation, we deploy the time in making our health better. Instead of going from bed to laptop, we try to maintain a healthy routine:

• It's a cup of tea or reading newspapers or getting some fresh air before going into ‘work mode’.

• We get ready and keep ourselves zestful to start the new day.

• We take a break whenever it is required. We don't work continuously. Work when you are at most concentration mode to give the maximum Output.

Define the Workplace

• We have created an office like an environment where we can work with dedication and concentration.

• We avoid working in the place where our family members are present to avoid any distractions.

• We separate ourselves and go to the place where we can concentrate on the work.

Maintain a work routine:

• Don’t forget your daily routine – especially now that you’re working from home.

• Start a day by talking to your Manager / Team leader

• Attend meetings and calls

• Give and request feedback

• Maintain client intimacy and contacts

• Be transparent about work and working hours.

• Be Online or available during the working hours to your manager and to the employees so that they can contact for work

• Take care of the network connection and tools.

• Try to learn new things if you get some free time.

Secure a good connection and the right access:

The most important thing about work from home is an Internet connection and network, if it will not be proper you will not be able to do the work. For the work to be done smoothly we need to take care of :

• Broadband connection

• Every time our mobile should be charged so that we can attend the calls

• Do not leave your computer unlocked or accessible to your family or housemates and continue to remain vigilant at all times.

Maintain work-life balance

We don't have to travel to the office and come back home to work from home. So there should be a time limit. Don't keep working for a long duration even after office hours that will hamper your health and work-life balance too.

You can spend your free time with your family, take up a new hobby, train for a personal best – or get round to all those things you’d been meaning to do in the house.

What our Employees think of #workfromhomeculture

@AnkurSanghvi: The whole work from home thing is a new experience for me, particularly when it happened for this long time. It's fun and time flies like nothing. Also, the way of communication also changed to accomplish your work with your teammates.

@KarthickAnbu: We can learn to rely on self-motivation, self-discipline.

@Aman Gupta: My perspective is that WFH is like sweets, a little bit of it now, and then feels good but we cannot keep eating it. But overall experience is good. It’s comfortable.

@Juned Rajbhara: Work from home has been very beneficial with regard to work-life balance. It has helped to separate work and leisure time which led me to utilize it much productively. We get Flexible timings to take care or appointments and errands.

@George Mellow: Work is getting done even when the team members are in different locations with Minimal expenditure. It’s a great idea for me!

@Khasim: Working from home is good as you work in your comfort zone. It makes me more productive.

Although everyone is missing going to the office, we try to manage it with conference calls and virtual meets. This time has taught us to be productive and stay focused. So we have turned our home into an office away from our office.

Madhavan Ayyavu

Co-Founder and Director (User Experience) Fibonalabs

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